About us
We are a small and devoted family kennel, registered by the F.C.I. and holder of the certificate for breeding L.O.S.H. dogs. Our dogs are our passion and we are exceptionally proud of them all.
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We are a small and devoted family kennel, registered by the F.C.I. and holder of the certificate for breeding L.O.S.H. dogs. Our dogs are our passion and we are exceptionally proud of them all.
It was a super nice and joyful day with many schnauzer friends at the Club Championship of the Royal Belgian Schnauzer and Pincher Club in Blégny-Mine. And with outstanding results. Ushi, Merry and Jinx (JFK) finished first in their class.
JFK of Randi's Ushabti made 1 Excellent with CAC in open class. He also became best male (BOS) and Belgian Club Champion 2015.
The notes of the Judge: Excellent and solid construction, good shaped skull, good eyes, good masculine expression, slightly depigmented nose, complete, correct and well placed dentition, good neck, good shoulder attachment, correct shoulder, well spread chest, good volume, well set tail, excellent musculature, good colour.
JCH. Merry Christmas of Randi's Ushabti made 1 excellent in intermediary class.
Her notes: Excellent expression, excellent shape from the side, walks well, correct movement, crane of good proportions, ears of good shape and well set, complete, correct and well placed dentition, excellent eyes, right neck, good shoulder attachment, elbow slightly off, well spread chest, strong topline, tail well carried, good bones, good pigmentation, excellent density, volume and texture of the hair, slight lack of musculature.
CH. Ushanti Bianca of Taita's Ushabti made 1 Excelent with RCAC in champion class.
Her notes: Correct movements, head in good proportion, firmly attached ears, complete, correct well placed dentition, good eyes, good legs, well spread chest, good volume, well set tail, good pigmentation, excellent density, volume texture of the hair, slight lack of musculature.
Judge: Mr Jean Blangino from France.
Ushi also officially received the Trophy CRBSP/KBSPC 2014 and this for being the best white miniature schnauzer on Belgian shows last year.