BOB and BOS at the 18th Ambiorixtrophy in Genk

JCh. Merry Christmas of Randi's Ushabti got 1 excellent with CAC in open class at the 18th international dog exhibition "Ambiorixtrophy". And she became Best of Breed (BOB).
JFK of Randi's Ushabti also got 1 excellent with CAC in open class and became Best Male (BOS).
The judge was Mr Igor Selimovic from Croatia
Merry Christmas finishes her Dutch and International Championship in Utrecht
Merry Christmas of Randi's Ushabti obtained 1 Excellent in Open Class with CAC, CACIB and BOB on the international dog show "De Utrecht" in the Netherlands.
With this victory she completes both her Dutch Championship title as her International Championship.
The notes of the judge, Mr J.L. Williams from the Netherlands: 27 months, good type and size. Sufficiently long head, good skull, parallel nice ears, eyes and muzzle. Good coat. Good front, good ribs and back. Good angulations. Tail carriage could be better, beautiful movements.